Gwobrau GO Cymru 2024/25
Mae Gwobrau GO Cymru, yn Marriott Caerdydd, yn cydnabod llwyddiant a chyflawniad pawb sy’n ymwneud â’r gwaith o ddarparu gwasanaethau’r sector cyhoeddus, y sector preifat neu’r trydydd sector. Mae’r gwobrau hyn yn cael eu beirniadu gan brif ffigurau ym maes caffael yng Nghymru a’r DU, ac mae pawb eisiau eu hennill.
Pam Ymgeisio?
Gwobrwyo eich Tîm
Gwobrau GO yw’r ffordd berffaith o wobrwyo eich tîm caffael am eu gwaith eithriadol. Dathlwch eich llwyddiant chi a llwyddiant eich cyfoedion mewn steil yn ein cinio gala tei du ffantastig!
Ennill Cydnabyddiaeth
Rydyn ni bob amser yn chwilio am lwyddiannau caffael eithriadol gan unigolion a thimau. Os ydych chi’n meddwl ei bod hi’n werth cydnabod a dathlu llwyddiannau eich sefydliad chi, yna rydyn ni eisiau clywed am y llwyddiannau hynny!
Bod yn Arweinydd Diwydiant
Mae llawer o’r ffigurau caffael blaenllaw o bob cwr o Gymru a’r tu hwnt yn beirniadu ac yn mynd i’r Gwobrau GO. P’un a ydych chi’n enillydd neu wedi cyrraedd y rownd derfynol, bydd y Gwobrau’n eich pennu chi’n arweinydd yn y diwydiant caffael!
Gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol:
Mae Gwobrau GO yn tynnu sylw at y gwaith gwerthfawr y mae sefydliadau yn ei wneud, a sut gall caffael wneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol i bawb. Rhannwch eich profiadau a dysgu gan eich cyfoedion wrth i ni helpu i lunio dyfodol caffael.
Beirniaid Gwobrau GO Cymru 2024/25
Grahame Steed - Lead Judge
Content, Research and Communications Director
Grahame joined BiP Solutions in 2003 and has held the positions of Senior Executive Officer, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Sales and Marketing Director, MD for Media and Marketing Solutions and Director of Business Intelligence and eSourcing, Now, as Content, Research and Communications Director, Grahame is responsible for driving the growth of the business through the creation and delivery of the most accurate, relevant and actionable data, content and insight available.
Dr. Jane Lynch
Director for Centre of Public Value Procurement
Jane is a Reader in Procurement for the Logistics and Operations Management (LOM) section of Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University. Jane’s subject areas for research and teaching include innovation and social public procurement, supply chain management, and collaboration. Jane is the strategic lead for Procurement Labs in a WEFO funded project, Infuse (Innovation of Future Public Services). Jane is Programme Director for the UK Government funded ‘Help to Grow Management’ programme delivered at Cardiff Buisness School aimed at supporting SMEs with business growth. Additional Roles: Member of IRSPP (international research study on public procurement) Branch Chair of the Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS) South Wales Associate Director (MICW) of Institute for Collaborative Working (ICW), Cymru
Paul Hansen
Head of Strategic Accounts, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales
Crown Commercial Service plays an important role helping the UK public sector save money when buying common goods and services. Paul has been with CCS for more than 13 years, and leads the Crown Commercial Service Devolved Administrations and Crown Dependencies Team. Prior to that Paul held commercial roles in organisations such as the Ministry of Defence and Scottish Procurement & Property Directorate and has worked in the profession for more than 30 years.
Liz Lucas
Head of Customer and Digital Services
Head of Customer and Digital Services for Caerphilly County Borough Council. Liz has 34 years public sector experience. Liz has recently been appointed to the new role of Head of Customer and Digital Services which is responsible for the Customer and Digital transformation programme within Caerphilly. Liz heads up a team of 160 staff which covers Corporate Customer Service, Digital Services and Procurement Services. During the last 16 years Liz has developed the Procurement function within Caerphilly into a centralised approach. The organisations spend is categorised into levels of strategic importance and opportunities for collaboration. SME development and e-procurement has been a focal point for development. Caerphilly Programme for Procurement was approved in May 2018 with a strong emphasis social and environmental benefits. Appointed to the new role of Digital lead in August this year Liz is keen to embrace emerging technologies to bring the very best services to the citizens of Caerphilly.
Richard Dooner
Programme Manager
Mark Roscrow
Procurement Head of Service
Carl Thomas
Procurement Reform Stakeholder & Policy Lead
Helen Rees
Head of Procurement and Contracting at Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue Service
Helen has worked in purchasing & supply / procurement since 2002 and became a full member of CIPS in 2008. She is currently Head of Procurement and Contracting with responsibility for managing the corporate procurement function in order to meet the Service’s strategic and operational objectives. She is also responsible for the provision of professional expertise and the development, review and implementation of all procurement strategies, policies and procedures to ensure that the Service maintains legal and regulatory compliance during procurement activities. Helen was Chair of the CIPS West Wales branch from October 2011 to November 2013 after having been Publicity Officer for the previous two years.
Stuart Rees
Head of Commercial – Net Zero Strategy and International Commercial Directorate
Catherine Lund
Procurement Director
Matthew Perrott
Deputy Head of Commercial Services
Matthew is currently the Deputy Head of Commercial Services at Digital Health and Care Wales and has responsibility for all procurement and sourcing of national digital clinical systems and IT Contracts for DHCW and the NHS in Wales. He has been a proud member of procurement in NHS for the past 15 years and has worked across multiple commodity areas including medial, pharmaceutical and utilities before joining DHCW 8 years ago. Recent engagements for DHCW have included acting as commercial lead for the procurement of national systems for Laboratory Information Management, Radiology Imaging solutions and Pharmacy and ePrescribing systems for the whole of Wales. Digital Health and Care Wales is part of the NHS Wales family and a trusted partner. DHCW is taking forward the next generation of services needed to transform health and care delivery to provide world leading digital services, empowering people to live healthier lives.
Wayne Welsby
Professional Lead – Procurement and Commercial Services
Edrych i fynd i mewn? Cymerwch eiliad i lawrlwytho ein canllaw cyflwyno isod
Bod yn Noddwr
Gwobrau GO yw eich cyfle unigryw chi i ddathlu rhagoriaeth ym maes caffael a rhwydweithio â’r prynwyr a’r cyflenwyr mwyaf dylanwadol o gymuned caffael sector cyhoeddus Cymru.
Mae Gwobrau GO yn gyfle i chi arddangos eich brand gerbron y prynwyr mwyaf dylanwadol yn y sector cyhoeddus, gan gynnwys llywodraeth leol a chanolog, gofal iechyd, addysg, tai a gwasanaethau brys – gan ddarparu cyfle gwerthfawr i greu neu ddatblygu’r cysylltiadau sydd bwysicaf i’ch sefydliad.